by - 06:51:00

The Chinese are getting real serious and ambitious. After taking over the smart phone market, they are about to revolutionized the Auto industry with the launch of the first internet car. Roevew RX5, is Alibaba’s first ever internet car! Designed and engineered by a Chinese state-owned car company called SAIC.

In the words of the Chairman of Alibaba’s Technology Steering Committee, Dr. Wang Jian:
“The difference between an internet car and a traditional car is that connected smart operating systems like YunOS will improve the consumer experience beyond just driving… Smart operating systems become the second engine of cars, while data is the new fuel.”

The RX5 will be tapping into the existing Alibaba’s e-commerce ecosystem to let own do so many things like: book and pay for parking spaces, gas stations, and coffee shops through their e-payment platform Alipay.

The vehicle will be able to recognize the drivers by their smartphone or smartwatch and any other customize things to suit them. It will also be able to intelligently provide entertainment like movies or music based on the driver interest.

It also boasts of an intelligent map that offers location tracking and directions without the need for Wi-Fi or GPS services.

Alibaba’s internet car will have navigation and voice control features, as well as three LED screens for interfacing with the OS and 5 360-degree detachable cameras for recording trips—and in car selfies! Plus the capability of controlling a drone?

Users will be able to post pictures and other content to online platforms like facebook by giving voice commands.

However, despite this looking good on paper, the RX5 might not receive a warm welcome in countries like the USA, especially when you consider the made-in-china syndrome. I guess another major issue people might have with Alibaba’s Internet car is with its security, since the car is connected to the internet, it will be quite easy for hackers to take control of it.

The car will be available in August and will have a $22,300 (#7, 000, 000) price tag.

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