How to Check Your Feeder Information on IBEDC's Website

by - 10:21:00


Are you an IBEDC customer eager to understand your electricity feeder band and the corresponding cost per kWh? You've come to the right place! IBEDC provides an easy-to-use online platform for customers to access this vital information. In this guide, we'll walk you through the simple steps to discover your electricity feeder band and understand the associated costs per kWh on the IBEDC website.

Step 1: Visit IBEDC's Website

Begin by visiting the official IBEDC website at

Step 2: Navigate to Customer Service

Locate the Customer Service section on the IBEDC homepage. This is typically accessible from the main navigation menu or directly from the homepage.

Step 3: Click on Customer Feeder Information

Under the Customer Service options, look for "Customer Feeder Information" and click on it. This will lead you to the section where you can discover your electricity feeder band.

Step 4: Enter Your Account or Meter Number

Depending on whether you're a postpaid or prepaid customer, enter the appropriate information:

  • Postpaid Customers: Input your account number in the provided field.
  • Prepaid Customers: Input your meter number in the designated field.

Ensure accuracy in entering your details to retrieve the correct feeder band information.

Step 5: Click "Get Info"

After entering your account or meter number, click on the "Get Info" button. This action initiates the process to retrieve your electricity feeder band and associated cost per kWh.

Step 6: Review Your Feeder Band Information

Upon successful retrieval, you'll be presented with details about your electricity feeder band. This includes information such as the band name and the corresponding cost per kWh. Understanding your feeder band helps you gauge your electricity consumption and manage your energy usage more effectively.

Knowing your feeder band and its associated cost per kWh empowers you to make informed decisions about your electricity usage and expenditure. It allows you to plan your energy consumption more efficiently and potentially save on electricity bills.

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